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2024 National Student Conference

April 12-13, 2024
University of Arizona
College of Medicine Phoenix

Date: April 12 & 13, 2024

Time: 2:00PM Friday to 6:00PM Saturday

Cost: $25 for students

Location: 475 N 5th St
Phoenix, AZ 85004
United States

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Our goal is to provide students and trainees the practical knowledge and tools to be effective advocates for marginalized populations in the communities they serve. We hope that you will join us for this time of learning, networking, and discovery.

In addition to the regular conference programming - which will include speakers and breakout sessions featuring local and national leaders in human rights advocacy work - the schedule of events will include a poster session featuring student-led research and opportunities for peer-to-peer networking. During this two-day conference, we hope that you will be challenged, inspired, and encouraged to be the bridge between medicine, science, and law to help secure human rights and justice for all persons.

Physicians for Human Rights invites you to submit abstract/poster submissions of original research. Submissions can highlight domestic and/or international projects that relate in any way to human rights issues. Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words. 

This conference is open to undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students as well as early-stage professionals in related fields, specifically, individuals with interests in medicine, social work, public health, law, global development, and humanitarian aid.

Abstracts & Awards

You do not need to be present at the conference to have an abstract submitted and accepted! Being at the conference will allow you to win the poster competition.

Click the dropdown menu titled "Research Archive" to view previous abstract submissions. Please see below for a list of research & abstract awards to be named at the conference.

In conjunction with the PHR SAB Research & Development Team, the University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix will be giving three awards at the Conference. They are listed below.

  1. Medical School Distinction in Human Rights Research Award (nomination based)

  2. Physician for Human Rights Student Award for Excellence in Human Rights Research (nomination based)

  3. Best Poster on April 13, 2024 in Phoenix (presentation based)

The Physician for Human Rights Student Advisory Board is now accepting nominations for the PHR-SAB Student Research Awards. Nomination packets for both school and individual awards will be due by 11:59PM EST on March 30, 2024, and should be sent as an attachment to: Self-nominations or those from peers and faculty are equally welcome. Please see below for the nomination criteria and submission process:

Medical School Distinction in Human Rights Research Award

This award will be presented to medical schools and asylum chapters who have demonstrated excellence in research in the field of human rights and alignment with the mission of Physicians for Human Rights. All schools which meet the eligibility criteria outlined below will be awarded this distinction:

  1. Submit at least 1 abstract for presentation at the Physicians for Human Rights National Student Conference

  2. Register at least 3 students from your institution to attend the PHR National Student Conference

  3. Have published at least 3 research products on a topic of human rights with student authors, since January 2022. Products can include peer-reviewed journal articles, oral and poster presentations, abstracts, news articles, podcasts, and other media reporting original research. Articles that have been accepted / in-press but not yet published will also be considered.

  4. Submit a 1–2-page proposal detailing your school or asylum chapter’s human rights related research including: 1) research projects conducted in the last 2 years, 2) stage of each project (planning, execution, publication, etc.), 3) number of students involved in each project, 4) results of each project (patients impacted, participant numbers, academic products).


For the nomination packet, please send (1) the abstract title that has been submitted to the PHR National Student Conference, (2) the names of students from your institution attending the PHR National Conference, (3) a list of research products meeting these criteria, (4) the research activities document.

Physician for Human Rights Student Award for Excellence in Human Rights Research


This award will be presented annually to 1-3 students who have demonstrated significant contributory efforts towards human rights research. All applicants who would like to be considered should submit a nomination packet with the following:

  1. A list of publications including peer-reviewed articles (with PMID when applicable) and oral and poster presentations given at local, regional, national, or international conferences.

  2. A letter of recommendation from a faculty adviser which details the student’s research work and potential for impact in human rights research.

  3. A personal statement (no longer than 1 page) written by the student which describes your research work, ongoing activities, and future career plans with a focus on human rights work.


Should you have any questions regarding these awards or the selection process, please email and we will answer in a timely manner. Thank you for your

interest and we look forward to reviewing your application.



Friday April 12, 2024

2:00P - 4:00P: Check-in & Hang up posters

  • Optional coffee, snacks, and social

5:00P - 5:15P: Opening Ceremony

5:15P - 6:00P: Opening Lecture with Dr Saririan,

6:00P - 6:45P: IRC

7:00P - 9:00P: Free time for Dinner (recs hyperlinked)

9:00P: Social at  AZ Wilderness Brewery

Saturday April 13, 2024

8:00A - 8:45A: Check-in + Breakfast (by...)

8:45A - 9:45A: Session by PHR with Dr Michelle Hiesler

9:45A - 10:00A: Break 

10:00A - 12:00P: Poster Session & Judging

12:00P - 1:00P: Lunch (catered by...)

1:00P - 1:45P: Session by Dr Gurpaul Sidhu

2:00P - 3:00P: Breakout Session 1

3:00P - 4:00P: : Breakout Session 2

4:00P - 4:45P: Session by ... 

4:45P - 5:00P: Closing Ceremony + Awards 

© 2024 PHR Student Advisory Board

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